Finally, a blog you can frequent that has vital information in both beauty and fashion for women of ALL COLOR. I started this blog just because of this very reason and my friend advised that I do so. I'm a young African American college student and found it difficult to find the perfect beauty and fashion blog relating to me. Let's be real: not all women can afford Gucci or Purple labels, so visiting blog sites that features just that would be useless. You don't have to spend a million dollars to look it. This site was designed to create an atmosphere where the everyday woman can go to find celebrity make over looks at a reasonable price and keep up with their daily beauty regement or start one. Every woman can and have the right to look beautiful and should put this into practice. Someone once told me that your face is your passport and I couldn't agree more! We as women need to take better care of ourselves and most complain about the expenses that comes along with it and I'm here to show you that keeping up your look isn't as expensive as you may think - believe me because I'm a BEAUTY INSIDER and you too can become one as well! I hope you enjoy the info that I will put together for you and please leave comments - I want to know what you think and how I'm doing!
Au Revoir!

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