Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Shoe Of The Week: Cinthya Vincent's Jean Heel

Beauty Solutions: Dark Eye Circles

Dark shadows form when changes in facial anatomy occur. A normal part of the aging process, the infraorbital fat pad (the fatty layer located just above the cheek bone and below the eye) thins producing a sunken appearance. Light reflects off these hollows creating the illusion of shadowy circles. So while boomers struggle with fat accumulating around hips, tummy and jaw line, the opposite problem is happening beneath the eyes. This is one time that facial fat is a highly sought after commodity! Bleaching this delicate area is a bit tricky but not impossible EI Solutions Eye Refine
Sometimes treatments just aren't enough. Deep hollows may ultimately sometimes need to be filled in order to eliminate the problem. Fat transplantation has become a popular method of dealing with resistent dark circles, mainly when puffiness is not an issue. Fat is removed from the hip, thigh or buttock through a syringe or liposuction cannula from locally anesthetized skin, rinsed and then injected under the skin into the hollow.
Added fat instantly plumps up skin and neutralizes shadows. It also helps reduce visibility of veins that peek out from beneath the surface. Fat transplantation is typically performed by plastic surgeons, and sometimes by dermatologists. It isn't a permanent solution and you may need to undergo more than one treatment in order to see results but it may be worthwhile.
Eradicating dark circles is not easy, but through perserverance you should be able to improve their appearance as well as the overall general health of your skin's appearance.
"Fashion Is Foremost Inspiration"
- Suzanna
Bra Measurements: Finding Your Perfect Fit

For best results you'll need to wear a non-padded bra and use a soft measuring tape. Hold the tape measure around your back at band level and bring it forward, just above your bust. Make sure that the measuring tape is snugged around your band without it being too tight. The resulting number is your band size (If the number is odd, round down to the closest even number). Remember this number.
"Fashion Is Foremost Inspiration"
- Suzanna
Monday, June 29, 2009
When Bad Fashion Happens to Good People: BET Award Show 2009

Celebrities hit the red carpet at last night's B.E.T. Award show. While some were dressed to impress, others showed up in the unexplainable --- committing fashion suicide. And just when I thought that B.E.T. and company couldn't possibly go lower, they have proven me wrong yet once again. En route to the award show "attributing Michael Jackson", Melody Thornton showed up in this unflattering skanky getup ...... and what a disgrace! Whatever happened to showing up at a tribute, award show, or an event with class? It seemed as though her butt cheeks were exposed. Someone should have advised her to wear something less revealing and more respectable. But what can you expect from a Pussycat Doll?!?!?

Next up is the demon of the night: Lil Mama. She showed up looking like Sheneneh Jenkin's little sister - Shenono. Doesn't this getup look like something you'll find at DOTS. Can someone please tell me who's her stylist so that I can beat her down with an ugly stick?!?! On the flip slide Lil Mama did come dressed for the occasion as a Thriller zombie.

And finally, the ultimate attention-seeker Cassie. Where can I begin?!?!? Everyone wants to be the talk of the red carpet - hopefully in a good way. There are some people who'll push their fashion limits and others who'll show up DOA (Dead-wrong on arrival) - and Cassie did just that. Fishnets are soooooooooo 90s. This getup should be worn at a club somewhere on South Beach and not at an award show "Attributing the King of Pop". What kills me is that Cassie actually thinks she's working this look SMH. There's a lot to be said when your shoe is layering more skin than your dress. It's no wonder Diddy failed to appear with and sit next to her.
3 Women - 3 Words: Classless ....... Tasteless ........ and Tacky!!
Fashion Circle Sale Alert: 50% Off Lotta Stensson

Equally impressive with a few minor alterations is the Stensson Mini in Black
Make them scream! Lotta Stensson is known for her simple designs that are equipped with details that add flair. The Shirred Mini Tube Dress
is a flashy party dress that will ensure all the boys have their eye on you! This tube dress is has gathering along the sides which allows a comfortable fit and gorgeous way to accent your silhouette. The front chest has a slight gathering in the center and the bust is double lined with a built in bra for no show through. This super sexy dress comes in other bold, sexy colors, just hot enough for summer! And yes they're all just $69
"Fashion Is Foremost Inspiration"
Willie D
2 in 1 Concept - Cleansers

When skincare shopping for facial cleansers, its important in today's economy to get effective items that are multi-purpose whenever possible. Many DERMAdoctor
Wrinkle Revenge Facial Cleanser
DERMAdoctor Ain't Misbehavin' Medicated AHA/BHA Acne Cleanser
Whether it's acne or anti-aging, try a facial cleanser with a 2 in 1 punch.
"Fashion Is Foremost Inspiration"
- Suzanna
The Ugly Side Of Butt Boosters (Re-Post)
"Fashion Is Foremost Inspiration"
Willie D
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Beauty Solutions: E.L.F. Mineral Makeup
I’m sure you've all heard of E.L.F. Eyes Lips and Face is a great cosmetics company that offers great makeup at super affordable prices. Right now they're are running a great promotion on their entire Mineral Makeup Line: 50% off the entire Mineral Makeup Line
when you enter promotional code: 5FOR5MINERALS
. It’s that simple! Plus, you get a $5 gift card with any purchase which makes it an especially awesome deal. Below are a few choice items that I've gotten from E.L.F. and use myself.
I’m a regular Mineral Makeup user and this $20 Starter Kit is an awesome product. It comes availible in: Medium and Neutral, Lighter skin, Fair Skin Starter Kit,
Darker Skin Deep Starter Kit
, and the popular Tan Skin Starter Kit.
It comes with a Foundation, a Concealer, a Blush, a Total Face Brush, a Blush Brush and a little case to put it all in. This case is great because if you ever worked with finely grounded powders, you know that no matter how tight you close the lid, a little bit always ends up spilling and getting on everything. Pick the kit according to your skin tone and you’re ready to go.
Mineral lipsticks
are becoming more and more common these days, but great colors aren’t always easy to find. At E.L.F., they are. My picks would be the new Nicely Nude
(left) and the awesome Ripe Rose
(right). They both seem lovely summer colours on most skin tones. I took a good look at the ingredients list and I can assure you that no lipstick can be much more moisturizing for your lips.
As for eyeshadows, I have three favorites. Royal
is the amazing dark Royal Purple. It’s neutral enough to be worn day or night. Whether you wear it to work or while out on the town Royal
adds a very unique glamour. It’s an awesome crease or “outer v” colour.

My next pick is Elegant, which would be the coolest highlight colour. If you’re darker than me, then I suggest Natural, one of their newest colors.

For the lid, I’d choose Temptress (or Glamorous if you’re complexion is darker than mine). You can't go wrong with pink and purple eyeshadow. This combo was made in heaven to make people fall in love. A little bit - or a lot, depending on where you're going and the time of day- of brown pencil eyeliner (like Coffee, also from E.L.F.’s Mineral Makeup line), mascara, and you’re "ready to rock"!
These are just a few of the E.LF. Prouducts that I use. I hope you take advantage of the coupon code. Keep in touch and let me hear your thoughts on mineral makeup!